Dear students,
In this text we’ll inform you about the SDGs. But what are the SDGs?
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are political objectives that are intended to ensure sustainable development worldwide on an economic and social level. The SDGs were launched by the United Nations in 2015.
There are 17 global goals and they should be achieved by 2030. For example: No Poverty, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth, climate action and many more. In our English lessons our class had to do presentations about these goals. At first, we talked about the SDGs and everyone chose a goal to present. In each group was a girl and a boy because diversity is important and brings out better results. Everyone did a great job with the presentation and, in addition, we also created wonderful handouts.
You can find our handouts on the walls of our school. We hung up our handouts so that everybody can get informed by reading these posters. The SDGs are very important goals that should be followed.
So follow our posters and follow the SDGs!
Class 2AK